Saturday, July 07, 2012

Dinner and Dance 2012

The dinner and dance last night didn't go too badly.  I wore a lace dress that I had been specially saving for this occasion, and I wore boots.  I even painted my nails with the red colour that I had been saving all along.  And then I trotted out of the house.

I got to the dinner and dance way too early, as usual, but it turns out that they had nail and hair counters at the dinner and dance.  Thinking that I might as well do something with my hair, I told the hair dresser to do what she liked.  What she liked turned out to be tying part of my hair back, but not in one solid piece.  Instead, she layered and teased my hair such that the tied up portion was an intricately woven mass of curls.  I really like it!

Naturally, I got teased by Little Boy M, who had already teased me beforehand about taking leave to do up my hair. (For the record, I took leave to stay home and sleep.)  They were rather impressed with the hair dresser's styling.  I got quite a few compliments on my hair the whole night.

I also took a lot of photos.  I have 5 printed photos, a few on my phone, and a few more on other people's cameras.  Given that most of the dinner and dances I spent sitting around and eating and chatting, this was the dinner and dance with the most photos, apart from the dinner and dance that I organised in my first year.

Unfortunately, that meant that I didn't get to chat much with any single person.  Instead, I bounced around a lot and chatted to people here and there.  I think my team felt rather neglected, because they all left without me.  We didn't even take a group photo of everyone who was there, though we did have a small group photo of our table.

This year's MC was genuinely funny, and the performance items were quite nice too.  It went much better than the other time we used an external MC.

All in all, as I said, not bad!

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